Postikortti 2-osainen Söpöt Saukot
4,90€Varastossa: 12
Tuotekoodi: LC012
Tuotemerkki: Love Country
Ihana Love Countryn 2-osainen kortti Söpöt Saukot.
Kortin takana on kaunis englanninkielinen runo
Utterly otterly
Today i quietly crept down to the riverbank on the grassy fen
A tangle of twisted tree branches hides the entrance to a den
Cool fresh water flows through the silky green rushes and weeds
It is here i found the happiest of homes nestled behind the reeds
For it is filled with a family of river otters about to emerge
I sit perfectly still behind a bush on the verge
Here they come! Scampering down the sandy bank excitedly
Mum, with pup in mouth approaches the water very carefully
In she swims for pups first lesson on how to use his webbed feet
Diving under and up again the love and care she shows is so sweet
Such an affectionate group of otters they just want to have fun
Splashing each other with squeals of delight in the golden summer sun
I laugh as they romp on the land, rolling around and chasing each other playfully
Then quickly jump back into the river steering with silky long tails so gracefully
Their love is clear from the sense of fun and affection they openly display
Cuddling amd grooming each other they cling together throughout the day
Such a wonderful afternoon I had watching them so happily
For to be an otter means it is utterly all about family
Kortin sisällä ei tekstiä.
Mukana ruskea kirjekuori.
Kortin koko on 16 x 16 cm ja se on painettu mattakartongille.
Laadukkaiden postikorttien kuvitus on Suffolkin taiteilija Sarah Reillyn käsialaa. Hän maalaa akvarelleilla ja herättää upeat hahmonsa eloon. Sarah on myös runoilija ja postikorteissa on hänen kauniita runojaan.
Made in UK.